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FOMO- Fear Of Missing Out Much?

Have you noticed that you are always feeling bad for yourself because you feel/think you are missing out of something?

You have a great event but yet you are feeling dejected because you did not get a certain invitation?

You see a picture and you feel unwanted because you are not part of the joke that got them all laughing and looking joyful....

So you would compromise your beliefs just to get a nod from someone, a like from someone or an invitation from someone and this has led to bills, regrets and just sadness?

Unfortunately, even companies are thriving on this fear. That is their job, to explore or exploit emotions ;but your job is to protect your emotions.

How Can You Save Yourself From This Fear?

-Switch off the chatter/social media.

-Realize that you might actually not be missing out on anything.

-Do not be so hard on yourself for deciding to stay in.

-Be honest with yourself if you are the cause of this fear : Have you said No to your friends invitation so many times that they have stopped asking you out and now you feel left out?

-Be OK with not being able to attend all events

10 mantra to take you out of the FOMO zone whenever it creeps up:

  1. • I am enough.

  2. • The internet is not my reality.

  3. • I am whole, healthy, and strong.

  4. • I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer.

  5. • I live in the present moment by letting go of the past.

  6. • I am selective in my commitments so I can fully commit to my selections.

  7. • I choose to consume quality content and ignore everything else.

  8. • I inhale positive energy and exhale everything else.

  9. • I trust my inner voice to guide my journey.

  10. • I am the 1 influencer of my life.

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