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How To Start A Business

I had the opportunity of attending this webinar by Christy Wright and I would not be a great friend if I did not share some of my notes with you. :)

Are you ready to turn your idea into action?

Step 1: Find your idea.

What is your idea? You need to have one idea and not 47. Sort out the one idea you are going to turn into business.

You cannot make a business out of everything you love. You need one idea to make into a business and only you know what it is.

Do something you love because business can be hard.

If you are going to take the leap of faith, and jump right into it, you had better love it.

Make sure when assessing your ideas, it is not what someone told you to do but what you want to do. If you don’t love it, you won’t work hard enough.

Keep in mind that every idea is not a profitable business idea!

Can your business make money? Yes

Will it make money? You would not know unless you take it to market and try.

If your idea is meeting a need, it can make money but will it? We won’t know till you try.

If you are struggling with choosing an idea from a pool of ideas or if you think you have no idea: start with what you have!

You have what you need to get started. Your skills, knowledge, experience, passion, is a starting place. You gain business confidence by starting.

Step 2: Identify the problem your idea solves.

If you want to make a business, you have some questions to ask yourself such as:

- How can I solve the need of my customers?

- What problem am I solving?

- Why should they pay me?

- What pain point am I relieving for them?

- How am I helping them through my business/idea? This point is more important than social media pages and social media likes.

Every business has to solve a problem.

Step 3: Create a plan.

If you don’t start with the end in mind, you end up crossing someone else’s finish line. What are your business goals? What is your desired future- 3 yrs, 5 yrs, etc. If you want to win, you need a plan.

Number 1 is key, without it you cannot do 2 or 3.

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