Fear of being a BUSY MOM!
There is the conscious and unconscious pressure we put on ourselves as women; so many narratives speaking for and against us; but the one narrative that has the most influence and power is the one we tell our self.
What do you tell yourself? How do you tell it to yourself?
The fear of being a busy mom is so real that a lot of women have traded their passion to take care of their kids (not stating that they are not passionate about their kids) and have ended up resenting motherhood; To women who try to juggle both a business/career with kids and have to constantly carry the baggage of guilt around.
Most moms would pray for extra time to do the gazillion things they have planned but there is simply not enough time to get things done the way we want.
However, find ways below to conquer the fear:
Time Management
You need to be efficient at using your time and be picky with who you give your time to. It is not about wanting more time to get things done but actually getting more done with the time you have. Take stock of your time and be honest with yourself-you know what is important to you and what is not. It might just be time for reshuffling of priorities!
Focus on your priorities
Although women are great at multi-tasking, it could backfire. If you are trying to help your kids do their homework while working on your work , you’ll most likely only end up giving a medium effort to both of your tasks. It pays off to prioritize your tasks and focus on one at a time. You need to stop wasting time on tasks that won’t help your career or the well-being of your family.
Ask for Help
Gone are the days when we think asking for help means we are weak! Oh! You had better maximize all the help around you and not run away from them- be it help with babysitting or house chores. Why would you want to put yourself through the stress of juggling everything?
Back to the beginning of this blog, a narrative that has been imbibed in us is, the more we take on is directly proportional to how strong we are. But you don’t need to be able to do it alone and asking for help doesn’t make you a failure.
Take advantage of technology
Stay on top of technology trends that can help you! There are apps that can save you time and money. These technology and apps are out there; make the best use of it.
Stop the guilt
If your mind is at ease and your body is feeling good, you’re going to be more present with your family and achieve more. Focus on the positives. Focus on quality not quantity. every moment you get to spend with your kids, be present.
Finally, There will times when you think you are dropping the ball, breath and remember to apply the above.