Ability vs Capacity
In this month of February, your results should fuel consistency not encourage complacency. This month, think about your ability vs your capacity.
More is great! More is thrilling! But having more at the wrong time can be a recipe for disaster.
We easily neglect what we have been blessed with because they have turned ordinary in our eyes. We don’t give them our best shot anymore because we are saving our best shot for a ‘best’ we are praying and waiting for.
🌷We are waiting for our talk show but we sneer at a request to host an event. 🌷We don’t have the time to read books but we are waiting for the opportunity where we are given a microphone and a stage to inspire other people? 🌷We do not have the time to spend quality time with our friends or connect with new networks but we expect them to jump on board as soon as we launch our business?
We sneer at the ‘little’ opportunity that come our way because it’s not aligned with our big dreams. During your waiting period what are you doing with what you have?
I remember interviewing Dr Iyabo Ojituku for our Spotlight Series and she mentioned that her book Permanent Happiness is one of the reasons she has been invited over and over again to speak at The United Nations.
Let’s just imagine if that book was never written or if she never invested her time to keeping a journal? The true test of readiness is exercising the capacity of what we have around us. Stretching our ability on a daily basis and doing the best we can at every given time. 🌷 Happy New Month and enjoy the video below!
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