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What Is Your Excuse?

Dear Ladies,

Can you see January gradually come to an end? Whew!

I hope you are still inspired as you were before the clock went into 2018.

If not, what is your excuse?

Why have you not started?

Why have you not put yourself out there?

Why have you not told people about what you want to do?

Why have you not sacrificed the time to make an effort towards your goal?

Think on this.

Do not just be the planners and not the doers.

If your plan looks like it needs a change, by all means pivot and make that change. The disservice you would do to yourself is to keep waiting.

Actionable steps you can take right now:

-Go online and look for the link to register that business.

-Look for the certification that you need to give you that career boost.

-Volunteer your time to an organisation such as Women Doing It Afraid if your passion is aligned with our goals.

-Invest your resources into getting the early bird tickets for The Women Doing It Afraid Business Style which is on SALE NOW! Make 2018 the month where you put your ideas into work. Purchase Tickets HERE

Our Affirmation for the week is:

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