2018 Theme
In 2018- at Women Doing It Afraid, we will be tackling different kind of fears.
Fear of perfection, Fear of progress, Fear of failure, Fear of imposter syndrome, Fear of trying etc. Fear is not only the root cause of negative responses, it is also the chain that has bound down so many brilliant minds, brilliant ideas and blessings the world is waiting to receive from you and I. One of our popular tag line is 'Fear is not just for the weak or vulnerable'; but fear can make one weak and vulnerable. Fear is no respecter of person, statue, education or background. In the journey of life, different levels of growth come with their different share of fear; so no matter what level you are in, we at Women Doing it Afraid, have something for you- specifically for 2018 is 'How to Rise above that Fear! How to feel the joy and wonder of living from your heart; outside of your comfort zone unashamed of what others feel or think leading you to your life of purpose and meaning. Who is with us on RISING ABOVE OUR FEARS?
Stay tuned to this space as we bring on different resources to you and the fears we would be tackling per month.
If you have any question or in need of specialized resources, feel free to reach out to us and we would love to help!