How Bad Do You Want It?
How Bad Do You Want It?
The matte business card is fancy.
The brushed up picture is fancy.
The clothes and high heels are fancy.
The euphoria from registering a business name is fancy.
The amazing user experience on your website is fancy.
The CEO, CFO, CTO, COO titles are fancy.
The red bottoms are fancy.
Fancy is good. Nothing wrong with fancy.
But how bad do you want it?
How bad do you want to truly understand what you are standing for?
How much do you want to really be on top of your industry trends and changes?
At the end of the day, the marketing and branding of your company has you at its core.
If all is stripped away, can your company still rely on you as its brand?

My post above was inspired by Seth Godin’s post below.
The best way to plan a house on a vacant piece of land is to move into a tiny shepherd's hut on a corner of the property. It's not fancy, and it's not comfortable, but you can probably stay there for a week or two.
And during that week, you'll understand more about the land than you ever could in an hour of walking around. You'll see how the rain falls and the sun shines and the puddles form.
As you've probably guessed, you can do that with the job you're thinking about taking or the project you're thinking about launching. Show up in the market and make some sales. Take a role as an intern and answer the customer service hotline for a day. Get as close as you can to the real thing, live it, taste it, and then decide how to build your career or your organization.
If the shepherd's hut feels too uncomfortable, it might not be the land you wanted in the first place.