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Creating Opportunities

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. ~Milton Berle

Now, its easy to say you just need to create your own opportunities, simple as that, just get out there and do your thing; But what most people fail to mention is that it is not that easy. There are fears, barriers, thinking patterns that stop us from 'going out there to create opportunities'.

It is not easy to overcome self-doubt or to get out of your comfort zone, but here’s the thing: it is worth every little effort! Because out of the comfort zone is where the magic will happen.

Click here to watch my Facebook video on how to create opportunities.

Opportunities are missed by most people because they don’t realize they’ve encountered such- often masked in the cloth of issues and excuses. There will always be opportunities for those who recognize and pursue them.

Right now take a mental note of all the excuses you have on something you are working on; the difficulties you are facing and imagine seeing them as opportunities- Are you the youngest in your team and feel no one respects your ideas? Have you thought about using your age as an asset instead? You are probably more exposed, trendy and social media savvy and if understood, these can be used as a source of relevance in what you do.

How do you create your opportunities? Click here to listen to details.

. Know your limits. Keep exploring your skills.

. Open your eyes and be conscious about your surroundings.

. Live intentionally

. Believe in what you offer.

. Step out of your comfort zone.

. Don’t be afraid to try a different approach.

. Don’t be afraid to ask for help/insight/anything.

. Keep learning.

. Don't wait for permission to do more.

. Keep up your existing responsibilities

"We see opportunities as opportunities only when we are ready to see them, otherwise we see them as difficulties". – Hristiqn Nikolov

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